Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween rocked!

Okay, everyone, how was y'all Halloween? Mine was awesome, except for one thing. There was a tornado on Thursdayin town, and that was our Family Fun Night. I was staying after school for Yearbook. So Ms. Cross comes running down the breezeway, yelling "tornado warning! everyone inside!" so we all rush inside. The computers were shut down. We couldn't work, so we sat against the walls and played with phones, iPods, whatever. They were like, determined not to cancel FFN. But they did! Then they cancelled school Friday, and that was our Halloween dance, and we would've got to wear our costumes. I was P-Oed, majorly.
So, I'm a teenager, right? I went trick r treating last year, but I didn't think I would this year. My mom wanted me to, but since when do I do what my mom tells me?
My friend Brittany invited me to a party at her brother's:). It was awesome, but I think the punch was spiked and no one told us, cause the last bit of the night... it got a little woozy. I seem to remember a dead skater boy... he was kind of hot. Anyway, I had a good time. Even though I have no clue what went on. I think I may have won at Niggerrigged horseshoes... no clue. Brittany says I was insane... oh! And the Mindless Minion was there, and I think he may like me again. He wouldn't let me go, and he was being REAL competitive with Dead Skater Boy... I don't know. I'll have to look at the video. All you kids, always ask if the punch is spiked before you drink it... everyone, peace out!!

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